
The alert component has six variants alert-primary, alert-secondary, alert-danger, alert-info, alert-success and alert-warning

standard alerts

primary: An alert for a message!
secondary: An alert for a message!
danger: An alert for a message!
info: An alert for a message!
success: An alert for a message!
warning: An alert for a message!


The avatar component has 5 sizes, avatar-xl, avatar-lg, avatar-md, avatar-sm, avatar-xs, having rd,for round avatar, sq,for square avatar,

standard avatars

avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar


The Badge component has 5 sizes, av_badge_lg, av_badge_md, av_badge_sm, having 3 states, online, offline, idle,having rd,for round badge, sq,for square badge,

standard badge



The Button component i.e. btn, comes in two catagories, solid buttons and outlined buttons.

solid Buttons

The Solid button is contained with filled colors inside, has five variants btn-primary, btn-cta, btn-danger, btn-link, btn disabled

Outlined Buttons

The Solid button is Outlined, and has five variants out-primary, out-cta, out-danger, out-success, out-info

icon and floating action Button

The floating action button fa-btn and button with an icon btn-icon,


The Card component has three variants, 1. basic Card or vertical card, 2. shopping card or horizontal card and 3. pricing card

basic Cards (vertical card)

The basic Card component has 4 catagories, 1. Cards with badges, 2. Cards with dismiss and 3. Cards with text overlay and 4. text only cards

Ex ad et excepteur ad qui adipisicing velit excepteur ea. Eiusmod sint proident magna excepteur quis officia ullamco. Cillum exercitation commodo esse aliquip nostrud esse ex tempor ex.
Ex ad et excepteur ad qui adipisicing velit excepteur ea. Eiusmod sint proident magna excepteur quis officia ullamco. Cillum exercitation commodo esse aliquip nostrud esse ex tempor ex.
Our Changing Planet
by Kurt Wagner
Tempor ea ad dolor esse eiusmod proident incididunt commodo.
Our Changing Planet
by Kurt Wagner
Do velit dolor labore irure fugiat laboris pariatur nulla. Ut irure laboris commodo voluptate duis tempor eu ad incididunt irure consectetur non veniam adipisicing.

shopping Cards (horizontal cards)

Card are used to show user related data collectively, like product details.


Xbox One Series S

Platform : Xbox One

Go all-digital and enjoy disc-free, next-gen gaming with the smallest Xbox console ever made Xbox game Pass ultimate includes over 100 high-quality games.

m.r.p.: $400
deal of the day: $200

pricing Cards

Pricing card is used in subscription plans


  • all limited links
  • own analytic platform
  • chat support
  • optimize hashtag
  • optimize hashtags
  • unlimited users

  • all limited links
  • own analytic platform
  • chat support
  • optimize hashtag
  • optimize hashtags
  • unlimited users

  • all limited links
  • own analytic platform
  • chat support
  • optimize hashtag
  • optimize hashtags
  • unlimited users


Responsive Image

The Image component has two variants img-res, for full size Responsive image.


Round and squared Image

The Image component has four variants img-xl, for extra large image, img_lg, for large image, img_md, for medium image, img_sm, for small image. with round rd and square edges sq.



The input component has two variants input sizes and input type

input sizes

inp_lg, inp_md, inp_sm

input large:

input medium:

input small:

input type

The input component has one type i.e. Input error inp_err

input error (inp_err):



.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4,

This is heading 1.

This is heading 2.

This is heading 3.

This is heading 4.

paragraph - gray text

.p, .p-lg, .p-sm,

This is paragraph large. (p-lg)

This is paragraph. (p)

This is paragraph small. (p-sm)

text center


This is a paragraph in center.

text styles

Text styles are, text line through .text_line_th , text uppercase .text_uc , and text capitalize .text_cl

This is a line through text.

This is a uppercase text.

This is a capitalize text.


Modals are used to show some important information to the user and they are closed only when the user selects some option.


List style

  • Item-1
  • Item-2
  • Item-3
  • Item-1
  • Item-2
  • Item-3
  • Item-1
  • Item-2
  • Item-3
  • Item-1
  • Item-2
  • Item-3

List Category

  • Clothing
  • Electronics
  • Kitchen
  • Music
  • Posters
  • Scuba gear
  • Sweatshirts


Rating components can be used as read-only badge or in reviews section. Can be used in reviews section as form too.



Allows users to make selections from a range of values.


Rating components can be used as read-only badge or in reviews section. Can be used in reviews section as form too.

Can't send photo. Retry in 5 seconds.
Your photo has been archived.
This item already has the label "travel". You can add a new label.